Guided city tours

Sometimes you just want to relax and let someone else do the organising – you’re on holiday, after all. All city walks and bus tours can be booked directly with Graz Tourismus. Please book in good time, as there are limited places. Group tours should be booked separately.

Tourist Information Graz Region, Herrengasse 16
T +43/316/8075-0,

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© Graz Tourismus - Harry Schiffer

Grazer Grazien

Digital sightseeing walk

This interactive multimedia guide will become your personal travel companion in Graz. The guide leads you to the beautiful beauties of Graz city center and tells you exciting and funny anecdotes about these beauties. There are also tricky questions to answer at each station. When you have solved all the quiz questions, you will receive a small gift from Graz Tourism Information Center (Herrengasse 16, 8010 Graz). There is no internet connection required for the tour, content is automatically opened at the respective stations via GPS.

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